Below is a short article my mom wrote about her experience last week teaching in a public highschool. This highschool is in a nice, well-to-do section of town (in Ga). As you read her comments, keep in mind that she taught for years in the public school system (government run schools) in the 70's before her first angelic child came into the world (ummm, that would be me!). She is no stranger to the system....but she was appalled at how far gone things have gotten in the past few years. enjoy :)
I would like to say that this is an URGENT NOTICE to tell all parents of kid's in government schools screaming "get them out asap!".....but I don't think they are listening. We'll see. Friday last I substituted at a local high school in Woodstock, Georgia. Now, please don't think that I'm just in shock because maybe I've never been in schools before. My degree is in education. Secondary. I've taught in Middle Schools, High Schools, Elementary Schools, a few Private Schools (and even in my own Homeschool!). I have substituted for YEARS. That's not new to me. I worked with an organization three years ago where we went in the roughest schools in Cobb County teaching a Character curriculum. Even then I was not afraid (though I was outnumbered racially about 10 to 1) and even had gang members in my class. But Friday was a real eye-opener. Okay...I have been out of the classroom three years. But when my husband & I taught way back in 1975 we decided then that we would NEVER send our kids to public school.....and I had no idea that things would be this bad. So let me tell you about last Friday: I taught 6 classes of Algebra. In that amount of time I heard the "F" word OUT LOUD IN CLASS more times than I can count. That, mixed with all the other various curse words, flew out of mouths with NO hesitation whatsoever. It was their daily language. They weren't angry. This was normal conversation for them. I saw everything from physical simulation of sex to open physical "show of affection" (hugging, kissing, ETC.) in the halls. There was a total lack of respect...for each other....for themselves....for life in general. For three of the class periods I was joined by another teacher (male) in the classroom (it was a team-teaching situation) and when he called a student down for some mis-behavior, the student responded, "Dont' talk to me that way!" The saddest observation all day was the over-all lack of conscience....lack of caring about anything at all....lack of "life" in the empty eyes staring into space. Today someone asked me, "Why aren't their parents doing something about these kids?" Probably their parents are drug-dealers, that's why... so what do they care? Or maybe their parents are very much like you and me. One male teacher agreed with everything I have just shared above and added, "Cross these kids and they had just soon slash your tires...or your throat!" I don't pretend to have the answer to all of this. In fact, what I have is a QUESTION: Where are YOUR priorities? Is your having and keeping a job, Mom, such a priority that you MUST keep your kids in government school? Are you soothing your own conscience by saying, "Well, the schools that my kids attend are NOT LIKE THAT!"....or, "My kids have the BEST teachers in the state....I know their classrooms aren't like that!" Who are you fooling? Do you really believe that your child is going to turn out differently while living in the midst of this holocaust on an every day basis? Do you think that one or two (or a dozen) good teachers can make up for this kind of environment? (By the way, the teachers know better than that.....they know what this environment is doing to "good kids.") We decided back in the 70's that this was not the place for our kids (and things were "mild" compared to what I witnessed this past week.) What decision will YOU make that will give your child a chance?
Some wins, some losses
16 minutes ago
Well! Let me first say that I beleive in homeschooling one hundred percent! My own children are homeschooled and have never stepped foot inside a public classroom except mine. Yep, I said mine. For I teach public school science at a Cherokee County High School. I am appalled at the situation your mother described. It certainly does not describe the school where I work. Please know that all public schools are not run as poorly as that one must be for it to allow such flagrant disrespect to happen. However, please keep in mind that the studetns at that school are simply a reflection of the home they come from. As a teacher I have often been accosted by a disrespectful parent who shows no respect for anyone. As the saying goes, the apple does not fall far from the tree. But before one makes a blanket judgement about all schools, please know that the scenario described doesn't happen everywhere. And know, too that there are committed Christian teachers who are teaching at these government run school who seek to share the gospel and the love of CHrist with the lost world that steps through their classroom door. I keep on because I know that but for my light the darkness of these places will only grow. (And if you can homeschool PLEASE DO! There are so many more benefits to it than running from society's evil. After all the evil that is in society is the evil that is in every unredeemed soul including your children. They cannot run from it, but in a homeschool setting thaey can hear the truth that will set them free.)
That is so sad. I just feel so blessed.
I feel blessed as well. I now understand the sacrifice my mom made for us, and I am humbled by her love and obedience to the Lord.
Howdy :) Yes, I know you teach in public school. It is nice to hear that not ALL schools are as bad as what my mom witnessed last week. However, it speaks volumes that you will not even send you kids there. ;)
I do agree that there are teachers/students that love the Lord and are working towards a change in the overall "system", and I commend that. I personally would not have the patience to deal with the parents with the grace needed. Thank you for being out there on the front lines making a change for the better!
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