Yesterday (January 29th) was my little Kello-Mello's birthday. He is 6!!!!
(I am posting pictures and such on the Flammily blog)
Yesterday I was reminded of his birth and what a blessing it was for us!
Below is Kellen's birth story....
Kellen Micah Flamm 1-29-00 Kellen was "due" on the 19-20th of January. I figured he would be late because 1.) most babies are 2.) my first son (Ethan) was about 2 weeks late. On the night of the 27th I was home alone watching the state of the Union address....given by, none other, Bill Clinton. I remember being disgusted with the guy and what he said. I went to the restroom and noticed that there seemed to be some fluid leakage going on...but I dismissed it and thought nothing more about it. Josiah and Ethan came home and we went to bed. I awoke early, as usual, to go to the bathroom. At that point in pregnancy your bladder is basically non-existent. As I was accomplishing the task of hobbling to the potty I noticed that my water had started leaking. (a "leak" is a bit different than a "break"....but has the same meaning....labor soon!)I woke up Josiah and told him what was going on, then I jumped in the shower. I figured it would be a while since I was having zero contractions and Ethan's birth had taken 2 days. I tried to go back to bed and get some rest after I showered, and I think I slept a few more hours. When we all got up the next morning (Jan 28th) I called my midwife and gave her an update, then called my mom. Josiah, Mom and I decided to go to the mall! Nothing like shopping in labor. :) We walked around the mall for quite a while, just hanging out. I was trying to get contractions started by walking and staying active. We kept walking past a store with a lady as the sales person. Finally, about our 21st trip by the lady asked mom what was going on. Mom told her my water was leaking and I was in labor. I thought the lady would flip out!! Apparently she was not acquainted with natural birth. Ha! After a while my mom took Ethan home for a nap and Josiah and I went out to lunch. I ate SO much food...I was starving and I knew I would need the energy for later. That afternoon at home was calm and relaxed. Contractions had finally started and Josiah was setting up the birthing pool and getting everything ready. I was keeping my midwife up to date on my slow progress and Mom and Ethan were just hanging out. I remember watching "The Rosie Show" and eating Reeses Bits! (AH! NOT good labor food!) I had planned on having my friend Tracy at the birth to video, my friend Diana to observe and my friend Karen to do pictures and help Mom with Ethan. Karen was driving from Florida, and her and her hubby Ryan made it in record time!!! ;) I was SO glad they made it for the birth. That evening things were progressing. We called the midwife over. She got there and set up her stuff and just hung out with us. I was beginning to want some privacy so Josiah and I stayed in our room upstairs while everyone else partied downstairs. I found out later they watched Ethan's birth video and made some sort of BAD smelling food! Ha! Claudia, my wonderful midwife, came upstairs about once every hour or so to check on the baby's heartbeat and see if I needed anything. Basically all I wanted was some water and Josiah. We "labordanced" our way through labor. It was very romantic and enjoyable. Around 10:30 p.m. (ish) I decided to come downstairs and get into the birthpool. I wanted to wait as long as possible before I got in so that the warm water so it could be the greatest benefit at the hardest part of labor. Everyone was at my house at that point and we laughed and joked around between contractions. Ethan thought I was SO funny with the noises I was making!!! He kept saying "Baby"! We turned on some relaxing music and lit a TON of candles. There were no lights on, just candles. I sat on the birthing stool and walked around the room and ate a bit before I got in the water. Claudia suggested that she check to see how for dilated I was...I was in MAJOR denial about being in labor, and was sure I was only 2cm!!!! She checked and I was 7-8 cm and ready for that pool! I was beginning to feel like I was sick of this whole thing and wanted it over. Sinking into the warm water made a 100% difference. I was now completely relaxed and able to cope/work with the contractions. Immediately transition began and I was along for the ride. It lasted a good 20-25 minutes. I felt like I was on the back of a speeding train....hanging on for dear life! But Josiah was there helping me through as was my midwife and friends. I finally recognized that my body was starting to push. Pushing feels much better, so I was very happy about that! Claudia checked and said I was almost completely dilated but I had a small cervical lip in the way. She attempted to hold the cervix while I pushed, but that was SO SO painful! I told her I could not handle that, so she stopped. She suggested that I try and hold it I did! Some might find this weird/odd or even gross, but I found it WAY less painful and quite empowering. After a push or two I felt the baby's head slowly move down into the birth canal. The cervix was gone and nothing was holding this little one back! I sat up a bit more and felt him move down. It was just so wonderful to feel his head slip out...and then feel the little nose, mouth and ears! A baby's head is the softest thing you have ever felt...and to feel that as your are giving birth was amazing. In one full push the baby was born into the water! Josiah and I caught our little bundle of joy and lifted him to my chest. He was looking around and let out a small cry..."thank you Jesus! Thank you for my baby"! (that was all I could say) Josiah and I held our little one for a few minutes before I realized I wanted to know what I had! (Josiah had found out the sex during the pregnancy but I chose not to) "It's a boy"!!!!!!!!!! Ethan was right there when Kellen was born and he came right over to my side of the pool to touch him. Ethan told him his name, how old he was and even sang him the Baby Song he made up for the occasion!!! I think we sat in the pool for about 45 minutes before I wanted to get up and in the shower. Kell was born at 12:45 a.m. on the 29th of January. We got out and went upstairs and I showered and cleaned up while everyone else started laundry, made food and cleaned up. After my WONDERFUL shower I got in my bed and the midwives did the baby exam. He weighed only 9 pounds 8 ounces!!! (This was nice considering Ethan weighed 10 pounds!) After all that was done, Josiah and I tucked Kellen into bed with us and went to sleep. My midwives and friends actually got STUCK at our home because a gigantic ice storm had struck during they all spent the night. I was fun waking up the next morning with a beautiful new baby and having breakfast with my friends, mom and midwife.
Pregnant with Kellen...this was a few days before his birth. Ethan loved feeling him move in my belly.
Moments after Kellen was born!!!
Ethan holding Kellen about an hour after he was born.
Little Kell at 5 months old.
Upper cabinets!
9 hours ago