Monday, February 06, 2006


I just read through a blog about all this boycotting and such of godless TV, companies...etc. Great it here. Below is a small quote from him....very thought provoking and convicting. His point is well taken....what do we expect non-Christians to do? And this could really usher in a great post on politics and the Christians involvement.....but I can go with that later. ;)

"Sinners cannot be reformed, they must be re-born. Therefore, society cannot be reformed, it must be re-born one sinner at a time.

Let's stop this silly protesting and start proclaiming instead."

Romans 1:16 (KJV) "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek."


The Griggs Gallery said...

At the same time, the "silly protests" have changed some things and I appreciate the efforts. Lowe's changed the name from Christmas tree to Holiday trees, I let them know in a kind letter that Jesus and his birth were the only reason that I celebrate in December, and other Christians did the same. Lowe's changed their policy back to Christmas trees. I think that many times when Christians don't want to protest or even say a word it is because of lazyiness or they just don't think it will change anything so why try? Even with homebirth, we fight for change and we talk till we are sick, educating and encouraging people to do research themselves and see how wonderful it is. Why can we not use boycotting in a loving way, sending letters about Christ and our reason for disagreement of their policies. And as for changing the world one sinner at a time, that I heartily agree with, and we should all take a look at our own witness. Do we all truly open our lives and invite unsaved people to dinner with the fam, and show how Christ truly is through our actions, or do we automatically lump them into a "going to hell" basket and
and tut tut to ourselves on how we just can't expect anything out of them anyway. If we look at Jesus's life, he was constantly with people of ill repute, I think he preferred them. While the other learned jewish men debated law between themselves at the synagogue, he was out getting his hands and reputation dirty. Never saying, "what can you expect of them anyway, they aren't beleivers". I think we should really be careful and not sit around making excuses for our inactions and patting ourselves on the back for already being saved.

The Griggs Gallery said...

By the way, I did think that the author had some really good points on how we should proclaim Christ. I think we should all definitely listen to that and make some changes for the better if not the harder.

Tiffany said...

I will agree that some of the letter writing and protests of sorts have influenced some of the TV stations and such....I did just hear that a show got cancelled on a TV station....the show was about a priest or something and he had a "dysfunctional" family. So that is good, of course. I guess my concern is that some people will put all the emphasis on protests, letters and political agendas and off of the whole problem....sin nature. If the Christian's focus was on proclaiming truth I know that would have a much greater impact on society as a whole. Trying to change the unregenerate man is impossible. His actions are built-in...predictable. Us putting forth a ton of effort to change his actions does nothing for his heart ("what profit does is it to a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul"). The focus should be on his heart....exposing sin and teaching truth. That is what Jesus did here on earth, and He is the best example. He hung out with those who were social outcasts, and He exposed their sin and their need for Him. He NEVER tried to change the political climate of the day or overthrow the wicked government. (heck, the government tried to kill Him from His birth and He still did nothing). When given the opportunity (by the Pharisee's) to renounce Rome and their laws He did not do it. So given this glaring example in scripture, I find it difficult to go with many of the political protests, letters and boycotts. YES, I think they have their place. YES, I have participated in a few. However, let us not allow our focus to be deterred from the true need of this world: Christ, forgiveness of sin, repentance and regeneration.
Inaction is not what I was promoting...nor to sit around and look down upon others. There must be a balance. The idea of writing a letter of concern is, to me, a good way to keep to much smut from our society (ha). Including truth in that letter will have the greater impact, since "the Word of God does not return void."

Also....just to throw this out there in cyberspace ;)....If we REALLY want to send a message to these companies.....
If all the "Christian's" out there would cancel their cable TV and not go to "bad" movies or listen to "bad" music.....wouldn't that send a MUCH BIGGER message to all the entertainment industries out there to clean up their act???? Just imagine if all the members of that LARGE church in Woodstock cancelled their cable because there is to much crap on TV...............just a thought.................or are we to selfish? Lazy? Tolerant of sin....or worse, have our senses been dulled to sin? Something to ponder......

Timberlace Designs said...

First of all, I am a rambler, so I pray this all makes sense, forgive me if it doesn't...
Before I speak generally about this topic, I want to address the specific issue of the "Will and Grace" and Britney Spears thing...
I personally don't see any point in boycotting this particular episode, because I don't participate in watching shows of that nature, anyway. As far as I'm concerned, I already boycott the show, by not watching it....

Now, speaking more generally about boycotts and Christians....
I will start with a quote from the post in question:
"if we win the culture war and force everyone in our culture to conform to Christian morals and values..."
Personally, I would never force anyone in our culture to conform to Christian morals and values, but if, by making them aware, in a gentle and loving way, that I, as part of society as a whole, am not interested in partaking of what they are promoting, I can bring about moral reforms that benefit my children and my family, and prevent them from being continually exposed to such garbage.I agree, that to not take that opportunity to also let them see that grace is available would be foolish...we must use every opportunity to "proclaim" the gospel of grace...but grace does not include complete passivity to me...I think that because I and all of us as Christians are PART of society, we have a right to let them know, in love, when we are not interested in consuming something that they are offering...
I think that for the plain sake of consumerism, that they will listen.
And another thought...
He states,
"We have made society reflect our values--God's moral values. All well and good, I suppose. But is God interested in moral hypocrites?"

Are we not a part of that "society"? Can it not reflect both moral and immoral values without being considered a hypocritical society?

Also, he says,
"Honestly, if we enact moral reforms over all of society, if we win the culture war and force everyone in our culture to conform to Christian morals and values, then we have accomplished nothing for the Kingdom--not one thing. We have only succeeded in making society hypocritical"

I believe we have an obligation to balance out the degradation of the typical sinful unbelieving part of society as a whole.
If we neglect to stand up for our part of society, and what we believe is acceptable, then we will eventually end up in a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah. We're really almost there...

Are we not, by being silent, hypocrites of another nature, not standing publicly for moral truth and for an expectation that there would at least be a platform for us to kindly reject what the "world" (other part of society) offers? i.e.boycotting...

By just letting them go on setting the standard for what life should look like, without comment from us, would be watching as they all go to hell in a handbasket and try to take our children with them.

I would much prefer to cancel my cable (we did) and as I make choices that edify the Lord, let those that provide for me as a consumer know (in love) what these choices are and why I choose them...

I believe that being "set apart" is not about being completely separate, but about being DIFFERENT and not being ashamed to tell anyone why...

good topic tiff....

Tiffany said...

Hey, I ramble as well! :) Welcome, rambling friend.

I personally believe that we cannot "force" our morals/values on people anyway. (thus, trying to do so is counter-productive). Even if it seems that people take on our moral way of life, since it is not true and from Christ, it will not last. So trying to force a perverted world to partake in a moral lifestyle is not going to, in the end, work.

The "moral hypocrites" comment is made because of the fact that we cannot get true moral reform from a Godless society, and even if they SEEM moral, they are not (unless regenerated by Christ) and therefore that is what he is saying....they become moral acting out something that is not real in their heart/life....and what good is that? Does that help them at the judgment seat? Nope...if anything, it will make things worse.

I do believe the present age is much like the Sodom and Gomorrah of old. Standing firm in our convictions is what we are called to do, while at the same time displaying Christ's love. We can do that by our life and actions, not just words and letters. I cannot find a time in scripture (and I could be overlooking....) where Christ, Paul, Peter, Timothy....etc used their Christianity to change the political climate of the age nor did they try and reform the actions of the unbelievers....they spoke truth and God reformed their hearts. Time was spent ministering and preaching/teaching....not boycotting, letter writing (to anoyone other than the churches) or signing petitions. To me, it all boils down to our God given responsibility...which is directly given in scripture. That responsibility is to win souls to Christ. Creating a false sense of morality is NOT an example given.

If Christians did not do the letter writing, boycotting, petitions...etc, but instead, NEVER participated in these shows, movies, or political agendas, that would send a much louder message to the people that support trash in society....WHY? Because thousands upon thousands of dollars (if not millions) would not be made off of Christians. And by doing that, we as Christians have fulfilled our responsibility to "deny ungodliness and worldly lusts...and live soberly, righteously and Godly in this present world". All this without the need for the other actions mentioned and our commandment obeyed and Christ glorified.

Just a thought..............if we as Christian already did these things (refrained from immoral shows, movies, etc) would there even be a need for specific boycotting? I doubt it.....the audience just would not be there, and these shows would not be on.